Monday, December 13, 2004


Hanukkah is in full swing here in MoMMY's household. Actually, it is almost over. Whew! We have just about made it through one holiday but as we all know, Christmas is right around the corner.

The tree is bought (and still sitting outside the side door), the decorations are still sitting in the basement. Much baking must still be done. (Okay, all the baking)

Two of the children have been sick and it seems a third is coming down with something.

**Million dollar question: Will the illness be over by Christmas or will the parents be ill? (Worse than sick kids this time of year)

The great part of celebrating two holidays is things are broken down and easier to handle. One family down - one to go. The bad part is: THERE ARE TWO HOLIDAYS TO CELEBRATE!

Oh, and let's not forget Alex's birthday. He is turning TEN in NINE DAYS. NINE DAYS! OMG! I was thinking I had loads of time. I don't even know what to get the child for a gift. No celebration planned. Nothing. Besides all of that... I am NOT old enough to have a child in the double digits. Really, I'm not. Okay, technically I am. But I don't feel old enough. And did I mention NINE DAYS????

<must go to Amazon right now and shop his wish list>

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