The world is a hot mess and it has become worse than I ever imagined it could. I know I'm not supposed to waste time feeling hopeless. I'm supposed to do something. Do anything to make things better. Also, I'm supposed to not upset anyone - no yelling, screaming, being "uncivil" because it will just make people less likely to listen. But, I call bullshit. Now is not the time to be civil. Things need to change. Not slow change. Immediate change. FOR THE CHILDREN and our future. I just don't know what to do about it and just thinking about everything makes me so fucking tired. I am so tired of outrage. So tired of despair. So tired of fear for our futures.
We are being told we are overreacting and delicate snowflakes. We need to stop being angry at people who disagree with us. But to me, it seems the opposite of this is true. The real snowflakes are the Trump supporters. They want to take away our rights as women, as minorities, as the poor. They want to keep their guns - lives be damned, but control my body. They don't want to bake cakes for gay couples (people don't choose to be gay) but are angry when we refuse service to a person who is behaving in a terrible manner (that is a choice). See the difference there? One is who someone is - one is how someone chooses to behave. People are allowed to be treated poorly for how they behave (natural consequences) - not for who they are.
I'm just tired. But I don't have the option of not fighting. Because I CAN fight and the majority of those who are being targeted can't. I just wish someone could tell me what to do to make things change. Nothing ever seems like enough.
1 comment:
Oh gurl I hear you
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