Monday, November 28, 2005


On a lighter, lovelier note... I received my copies of RULES by Cynthia Lord on Friday. Wait, you can't buy them yet. She sent me a couple of proofs.

Say thank you when someone gives you a present (even if you don't like it). (Except I LOVED it!)

I was blessed to receive them on Friday after our 2nd Thanksgiving - the one I had to prepare. So the timing was perfect. And let me say a HUGE THANK YOU to Cindy for sending me 2 copies. Alex grabbed one and was off before I had a chance to blink.

We both snuggled down to the sound of the dishwasher running and the smell of Thanksgiving still hanging in the air. What a lovely experience. You all MUST pick up a copy - in April - when it's officially published.

Looking closer can make something beautiful.

I finished before bed and Alex is just about done. It gets two thumbs up from us both. Today I have the privilege of dropping off one of the copies to the town library. As soon as Alex finishes his copy it's going to the intermediate school.

Not everything worth keeping has to be useful. (But this is so useful!)

Personally, I think the teachers should use it as a classroom book. Have the whole class do it as assigned reading. Alex had a lot of questions about autism when he first started reading. This was a great jumping off point - a great way to introduce a subject many kids don't know much about. Also a great way to create compassion in our kids. Hello, any teachers out there?

You know I'll be promoting it to the boys' teachers.

If you need to borrow words, Cynthia Lord wrote some good ones.

Oh, and I almost forgot...

No toys in the fish tank.

**All rules were written by Cynthia Lord (with a bit of modification to the rule pertaining to borrowing words).

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