Friday, February 10, 2006


Please, tell me one thing you like about yourself.
I really need to know.

And if you happened to catch that last post that I just removed. I'm sorry for all the whining. Really. Please forgive me.

**Edited to add: I'm putting the last post back up now that no one will see it. I know the family won't go back and read the archives so I'm safe. As I said before, this is my record of my life and I'd like it up to look back on. No need to read it.


Jugglernaut said...

Two things about me:

1. Michele sent me. Hi!

2. I can juggle three clubs or up to four balls. Really.

kristal said...

I like that I have a lot of patience with my kids. I never thought I would be a good mom, but I'm turning out better than I expected. Michele sent me!

cursingmama said...

First - What do I like about myself? I think, that even though I screw up on stuff that I'm still a really good mom. I work hard to set a good example for my children, I practice what I preach, I try to continually improve as a person, and when I screw up I admit it, try to fix it, and apologize.
Second - don't know about the whining, but You tell ME something you like about yourself - it'll most likely help.

Malinda777 said...

I like my honesty and my ability to talk to people who need a listening ear. I wish my kids would take of that advangage more:)

Oh Yeah...Michele sent me

GosMMY said...

I'm honest..........honest!

RitaPita said...

What I like about myself..

hmm.. I like to think that I have a good sense of humour, at least, I make myself laugh all the time.

We hate to see you so bummed. We adore you Heidi, chin up.

Chaotic Mom said...

I like my ability to relax. Okay, so maybe I relax too much? ;)

HolyMama! said...

I like... hmm. Not as easy as I thought it would be! I'm highly intuitive. I have a great 'sense' for how people really are. Comes in handy.

Tami said...

Post? Whining? What whining?

Chin up Heidi! You're a great Mom and wife. And if Jeff doesn't tell you so more than three times a day, I'll organize the Hammies to bite his ankles.

What do I like about myself? That's a tough one. I can bake really well . . . chocolate anyone?

Beth Fish said...

What I like about me is that I am smart and strong. What I like about you is your openness and your spirit.

HolyMama! said...

Did someone offer chocolate?!

wordgirl said...

Hmmm. Something I like about myself.
I'm a good idea person. I'm very creative and good with my hands. I can paint and I can write.

Heather said...

One thing I like about me: I like that I am regarded by many as a kind and generous soul. I would do anything to help a friend, and often times a stranger.

TamWill said...

When I answer the phone I sing a little jig...I like to make people giggle and laugh :O)

MoMMY said...

I'd like to thank all of you for such wonderful comments. I love hearing about your strengths! It really puts me in a good mood. So there, something to add to your list of what you like about yourself... making MoMMY feel better.

As for what I like about myself? I'm still working on it. I'm feeling much better though.