Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I'm Done!

Yes, I’m done working on my website for the time being. I think I have it where I want it for now. I do need to update the inspiration page with new photos of the boys. I’ll let you know when I do that. I’m also going to try to keep up with this blog.

Quick! The sun is shining. Run outside and enjoy. We have had major thunder storms off and on for DAYS. The boys baseball has been cancelled all week. Maybe they’ll play again tomorrow. That is if the fields dry out. They are flooded right now. More storms expected tonight.

Off to write for a bit then I really must start baking. With all the school activities on Friday I need to make around 8 dozen cookies. Hope to see the grandparents Friday a.m. at school. Alex has been practicing for weeks for the play and then you have the Grandparents’ Tea with Dylan. Don’t forget to bring a book!

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