Saturday, October 2, 2004


HIM: What R the kids doing?

MoMMY: watching a tape of Magic School bus

MoMMY: Very psyched they are

MoMMY: I think I'm turning into Yoda


HIM: You're turning into Yoda?!

MoMMY: they are very psyched to be watching it.

MoMMY: read above

HIM: Oh. I get it.

MoMMY: how are you

MoMMY: did Ty die from strep? he seemed fine to me.

HIM: Getting nothing done. He survived. He'll be much better when we get to the stores I plan to take him to

MoMMY: ah

HIM: Plans for later?

MoMMY: need more coffee

MoMMY: in need of a plot

HIM: Anyway, what I meant was: what are the plans for later today?

HIM: Dinner?

MoMMY: Dinner? No idea.

HIM: Well, could you maybe think ahead?

MoMMY: hmm... thinking

MoMMY: I've got nothin

MoMMY: any ideas?

HIM: Could invite 1) your mom 2) my dad for dinner

MoMMY: mom is working

MoMMY: your dad - fine

MoMMY: your dad is here right now

MoMMY: just walked in

HIM: What do you / the kids want to EAT?

MoMMY: whatever

HIM: I'm going to punch you in the face **

MoMMY: nice

HIM: whatever

MoMMY: ha ha

MoMMY: what do you want to eat?


MoMMY: now, now

MoMMY: do you want me to invite your dad now?

HIM: whatever. We could have , lamb chops


HIM: or , chinese food. What the hell is roflmbo

MoMMY: Rolling on floor laughing my butt off

HIM: you need help

MoMMY: nice cat, I think you're the one that needs help

MoMMY: Chinese I make or take out?

HIM: Can you make homemade sauce?

HIM: I can PU some corn

MoMMY: no, no supplies

MoMMY: I'd have to shop & then I wouldn't have time for it to cook

HIM: I can stop on my way home

MoMMY: stop for what?


HIM: Don't wait til the last second in case we have to marinade something. Leaving to get T

MoMMY: still won't have time to COOK sauce - takes hours

HIM: I give up

** NOTE: This is from a SNL skit and now a family joke.

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