Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Birthday Zach!

Today my baby is five. Five whole years old. So hard to believe. (Why must we always say that?)

He is preparing for kindergarten. He strong and confident and our little comedian. He loves to entertain. This is the child who performs for show-and-tell. He prefers to bring puppets so he can put on a puppet show. He sits in the little wooden chair and puts on a play for his classmates. He makes them sit up and take notice. He makes them laugh.

I hate to admit but I barely remember his first year. He was born while I was trying to pack up the house. We had problems closing on our house and were homeless for 2 weeks. I had a breakdown. We moved into a new home. His 20 month old brother almost offed himself about 5x's that summer. His oldest brother started kindergarten. My memories of Zach are sketchy at best.

Zach was my only child not needing oxygen at birth. The only one I got to hang with right away. The only one with which we seemed to get the birth part right.

It seems he was a good baby. He was a good nurser. He slept well. He got his teeth earlier than any of his brothers. His brothers loved him.

He has no baby book. No photo album. I swore I would never let that happen. It has.

I still hope to start one this year.

Right now, Zach is handsome and cute. He charms everyone he comes in contact with. He is also stubborn and his attitude is the size of Texas. He talks NON-STOP.

Zach finally got the dog he has been begging for since last year. Have I mentioned determined?

He's going to play soccer this year. Just like his brothers. He's been waiting months. He's very excited.

Zach is a photographer. He 'borrows' my camera when I'm busy. His eye is astounding. He orders me to photograph beauty. He is always dead on.

He must do everything his brothers do. He's clumsy like his mother. He's sweet. He's kind. Everyone loves him. And he loves them right back.

I love you Zach. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and a even better year.

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