Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Taking a Walk... and It's Not Down Memory Lane

I was thinking about what to write today and had this whole thing in my head about being good at stuff, just not good enough. Then I realized it would sound whiny and 'whawha poor me' and who wants to read that? (even if that wasn't what I was intending it to sound like) Someone would think they had to reassure me and someone else (hi hubby) would say I sounded like I was fishing for compliments and GAH! I don't need those kind of comments. So I'm going to take a walk instead.

You may check out some fabulous people on my blogroll if you're looking for an entertaining or thought provoking read. Or you could go take a walk too.


Beth Fish said...

You're pretty.

cursingmama said...

I took a walk - to Target and got myself a nice pair of the spanx knock offs to make my ass look better. I feel better about my but already and I haven't even put the damn things on.

MoMMY said...

Beth - Why thank you! So are you.

Cursing Mama - Must find those pants!

HolyMama! said...

ok, it's just after midnight, and i do NOT want to go take a walk. but it does remind me of that patsy cline song....

i go out walkin' ... after midnight.. searchin'... for yoooou...