Sunday, July 2, 2006

PMS, Partying & Pissing Me Off

It appears that the cranky, crying mess I was is indeed attributable to PMS. And yes, I'm feeling much better today. Or maybe it was the night of drinking and partying at some newish friends'. A great place where kids roam free, fireworks go off, and alcohol flows freely. Also a great place to eat cherries off the trees and smash unripe crab apples with a bat. Well, great if you're into that sort of thing (my children seem to be into this type of entertainment).

There was also karaoke. I've never done karaoke and neither have the children but they loved it. Also? My threshold for not embarrassing myself and family is apparently 3 jello shooters. Yes, I caved. But only after the previously mentioned 3 shooters in three minutes. Luckily they were all watching the fireworks so there shouldn't be any permanent scaring. Also, there is no proof I even did it. So maybe I didn't really do it after all... hmmm... you'll never know.

I must also say here that I have finally found 2 friends that like to have a stiff drink now and then. It has taken me SIX. YEARS. of living here to find them. And one is moving to South Carolina this summer. I am very sad. The remaining two of us may need to drown our sorrows in a nice strong jello shooter in her honor when she is gone. After we get the killer recipe she used.

In other news, the banking fiasco is worse than we thought. They want to charge us for paying our bills online. CHARGE US! I'm ready to storm the castle walls and lay siege on them. Or switch banks. You know. Whatever works. Although, in researching other area banks? They all seem to have some major flaw in their plans. Let's just say I'm even angrier at - we'll call it - Schmitibank than I was before. They offered us all we wanted in a bank and then they abandoned us to M&Tickmeoff without a care in the world. Anyone have any recommendations?

Must go write a grocery list before I start throwing things.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Normally a lurker, just wanted to say I'm glad you are feeling better. And the bank thing? We have Bank of America, pay our bill online free and get free checking. Best bank we've ever had!