Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Need Time To Breathe

First I would like to say that I'm still loving my new template. And the same place I first found it (Smashing Magazine) I also found wallpapers for December. I'm thinking I will change my wallpaper each week since there was more than one that I liked. I also think I have a serious problem picking and living with things for more than a week. No wonder I have such a hard time decorating my house. What I like today I may not like tomorrow. I get bored easily and I like a lot of different things. Yes, now you know why my house is just a jumble of stuff rather than "decorated". Let's just call it eclectic. Or ugly. Whatever.

In my previous post I mentioned how I wanted to enjoy the holiday this year and focus on the process. I'm having a bit of trouble with it now. The holiday concerts and shopping (for groceries - holiday shopping is mostly done - FTW!) and basic everyday stuff is not leaving room for holiday stuff. And why? WHY? can't holiday baking be done AFTER the holiday? We get all this time off after the holiday but when we NEED it - before to prepare - we still have work and school and eight billion papers that need to be signed and meetings etc. Speaking of meetings, can someone please tell me WHY we need to have a planning meeting for my eighth grader's schedule for next year this week? Seriously? Like no one has enough to do? It can't wait until January? Seriously? When am I suppose to decorate or bake or even breath?

1 comment:

Wayne John said...

The template looks very nice, like it! I wrote a post on having Santa send letters to kids, that would make things easier for you this year!