Thursday, March 3, 2005

It's The Goals (AGAIN)

It seems boredom with one's self was rampant yesterday. Glad I wasn't the only one.

The good news (for me) is, I looked at my goals and felt so depressed that instead of baking cookies I actually took action. The bad news (for you) is, you must see this goal list again. So here for your viewing pleasure (or rather my need to make myself accountable) are my re-evaluated goals:
  1. Get a job at my employer of choice. (I'll let you know where and why if I ever get a job there)
    I'm throwing this goal to the wind and applying for a job that is NOT at my employer of choice. Mailing it out today. Think good thoughts.
  2. Sign a book contract/re-evaluate writing career.
    The new deadline for re-evaluating my (non-existent) writing career is June. Right now I'm entering contests. I have a conference in May and THEN I will re-evaluate.
  3. Begin a baby book for my FOUR-year-old.
    Getting closer.
  4. Organize my photos so I can update the kids' albums.
    My photos (1997-2004) are now chronologically organized. It took a couple of hours. (yes, really - HOURS) But THEY ARE ORGANIZED!!! Now to separate for each child. Also, the job is much easier as I have no photos from December on. This is due to the arrival of my new best friend... my digital camera. The bad news is I must now figure out what to have printed and actually GET the photos printed. Then I suppose there will be more organizing to be done. Gah! This however will wait until I've made progress on the photos I have in hand.
  5. Possibly even update said albums.
    Getting there. (Possibly some time in the next millennium.)
  6. Stay on top of disaster we call our home.
    I have rejoined Flylady. Sad that I need e-mails to tell me what to do but, it's true. And it works. So, Flylady... do your stuff.
  7. Do more with my children.
    I'm not perfect.
  8. Not yell so much.
    Medication is helping with this.
  9. Take more photographs.
    Have I mentioned all the SNOW? and my imperfection?
  10. Lose weight.
    Because of the recent weight gain I officially start WW again today. Yes, it's true. I even WROTE DOWN my breakfast points. I'm fat and it's time to do something about it. I'm hoping writing it here and reminding you all occasionally will hold me accountable.
  11. Exercise more. (that means any little bit will count.)
    Must do yoga today or you will all LAUGH and POINT and CALL ME NAMES. (Really, do it.)
So, that's it. Oh, I do have one more goal. That is to think of something interesting to write about. I can't keep boring you like this or you will leave me. Then who will shame me into reaching my goals? And tell me, how are you doing on your goals?

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