Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Now that vacation is over...

The 4th, the 4th - it is over. Back to our regularly scheduled summer program. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. My first real look at summer vacation.

The sports. My God, the sports! I'm just now realizing the flaw of having 4 boys. I'm not a sports person. The boys are. The many, many sports. Why? The soccer every night. The all-star baseball. The traveling for the baseball. Have I mentioned I'm not a sports fan?

Honestly, I like to watch my kids play. I just wish I could have a highlights reel. Just the 10-15 minutes my son is up to bat, running or fielding. Not the rest of the 2 HOURS of play.

My other problem right now is that I was gone for a week. A whole, glorious week. A week of an ity, bity newborn. Smelling so good. Little baby cries. No running. No NON-STOP talking. Just sleeping and those little cries that are so angry and cute - yes, cute - in their littleness. No SCREAMING. No WAILING. No whining. No talking and running and jumping on me.

All this goodness left me with a to-do list the length of my entire body. And the circumference of it too. And that my friends is LONG.

I actually spent a good portion of yesterday on the phone. The phone. Why so long on the phone you ask? The appointments that needed to be scheduled. Trying to find a groomer with an opening this century took THREE phone calls. Three.

Golf camp took FIVE phone calls to actually speak with the right person and get all the info. The registering. The checking with the Grandpa financing the golf camp. (It was his idea.)

Doctors needed to be called. One child needed to see a doctor. Yes, I came home to a rashy, upset stomach, sore throated boy. Who does not have strep (YAY!) but may have appendicitis. Or not. Must keep an eye on tender spot in lower right quadrant. No reason found for rash and sore throat. (YAY/BOO)

Grocery lists were made and menus planned. No shopping was done as I actually RAN OUT OF TIME. What kind of world is this? Now I must shop with 4 boys. And take a dog to be groomed. And run many errands. With FOUR boys. Have I mentioned the FOUR boys I must take with me? And the dog?

And the last bit of oh-so-wonderful news... I am having a sale of my photographs on Friday and Saturday at a local summer festival. Set-up is at 7am. - A.M. I must be there until 8pm. P.M. For TWO DAYS. What was I thinking? I'm hoping to sell a photo or two. If not, I may have to up my meds. Wait, I can't. They're upped as far as they go. I may have to commit myself. Did I mention that Friday my husband is working? That I have 4 boys? That it looks like they will have to spend many, many hours sitting with me at this festival while people scoff at my photos or ignore me all together? I think I may be sick...

I really must go lie down. I'm not feeling so well right now. I've been up since 5:30. Walked the dog, did some laundry, put away the dishes in the sink, emptied the dishwasher, read my e-mail, and wrote this entry. Now I'm tired and feeling sick at what is to come this week. Think good thoughts. Wish for many sales.

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